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Ville de Luxembourg provides help with new child-care system
The Ville de Luxembourg's city administration has announced that it will have free advice on the practicalities on the implentation of the new "chèque-service" initiative announced recently by the Ministry for Family Affairs.
The initiative will enable families of all under-12s to benefit from free (up to 3 hours/week) and reduced-cost child-care services from 1 March. However, the announcement of the imminent implementation has left many local authorities unprepared for the anticipated increase in demand for child-care services, as well as the uncertainty over exactly how it will be administered.
The Ville de Luxembourg, however, has announced that their Bierger-Center at the Centre Hamilius (1st floor, 51, Boulevard Royal, open: 08:00 - 17:00) will provide free advice to city residents. This includes the requirement for city residents to register their interest in the scheme at the Bieger Center. The necessary information for registration include the child's matricule (registration number, based on date of birth), the most recent tax certificate from the l’Administration des Contributions of the parent/guardia, and proof of receipt of payment from the Caisse Nationale des Prestations Familiales of children's allowance.
A card, valid for 12-months, is then issued which can then be presented to to the nursery or day-care centre.
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