Ukrainiečių asociacijos Liuksemburge organizuojamas Ukrainos palaikymo mitingas š.m. vasario 25 d. 14 val. Gare Centrale, iš kur vyks solidarumo su Ukraina eisena iki Clairefontaine aikštės Liuksemburgo mieste.
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Please join us for the Solidarity March to commemorate a year of full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine.
This march is not just about Ukraine, it's about everyone who got touched and moved by this unjustified war.
This march is to remember but also to thank everyone who gave us a hand and covered our back - so much appreciated actions of humanity.
This march is to honor those for whom Bravery, Resilience, Courage and Support are way of living and not just words.
We will meet you on February 25th, 14:00 at Gare Central and will march to the Place de Clairefontaine.
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