The Lithuanian Community in Luxembourg invites everyone to participate to the photo competition 'Horizons of Luxembourg'.
It doesn't matter whether you take photos with an expensive camera or just your phone, if you are a professional photographer or just an amateur: everyone is cordially invited!
What you need to do is to send us up to 6 photographs which you took in Luxembourg or its surroundings not older than 5 years. If you do not have any but still would like to participate, just take some now! Most importantly, people should be apparent or implicit in them! Winning photographs will be printed as postcards and distributed free of charge.
Why is this needed? The sanitary crisis made many elderly and socially excluded people suffer even more; the Lithuanian Community in Luxembourg would like to seize the opportunity and encourage everyone to send a postcard with 'Horizons of Luxembourg' to a chosen person or care institution. The list of addresses will be available on the spot duringthe humanist photography exhibition at the Annexe22 in Esch-sur-Alzette on June 19-26, 2021.
If you agree, why wait? Just send us your photographs to litartlux@gmail.com by May 31, 2021. The winners whose photos are selected to become postcards will be contacted individually by email.
For possible inspiration, you could visit the websites of the two Lithuanian humanists photographers A. Morozovas* and T. Kazakevičius**, the followers of the world famous Lithuanian photographer A. Sutkus, and see their works on humanist photography: https://www.instagram.com/amorozovas/?hl=en, https://tadaskazakevicius.com/
* Photojournalist and war photographer Artūras Morozovas is the recipient of the 2016 Award of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association. He is one of the ambassadors of Kaunas 2022, European Capital of Culture.
** Photographer Tadas Kazakevičius won third prize in the 2020 World Press Photo Competition in the Portraits and Stories categories.
This event is partially supported by the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg and Esch2022.
* * * Organizers reserve the right to use the photographs sent to the photo contest free of charge: reproduce them in postcards and distribute them free of charge, promote and disseminate information about the exhibition in (social) media. Photographs exhibited at the exhibition remain property of "La communauté des lituaniens au Luxembourg asbl", with the right to subsequently reproduce them free of charge, make them public and display them to the public for non-commercial reasons. The fact of sending photographs to the exhibition shall be deemed to be subject to the consent of the authors under these conditions. Authors retain their rights to use their photographs according to their wishes at any times.
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