Tikriausiai daugelis žino, kad ES darbuotojams taikomi kitokie įkainiai nei vietiniams. Šiuo metu renkami parašai šiai situacijai pakeisti. Kviečiu pasirašyti :) http://www.chd.lu/wps/portal/public/Accueil/TravailALaChambre/Petitions/SignerPetition?action=doPetitionSignature&id=862
Dear colleague,
You may or not be aware that EU staff and employees of international institutions are systematically charged more than people covered by the Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS).
A Staff representative of the EIB took the initiative to request a public petition before the Chambre des Députés on the price discrimination in health care against people who are members of a non-national health insurance scheme in Luxembourg.
The petition was lodged under petition no. 765 and has been declared valid!
Staff and pensioners of EU institutions, employees of international institutions (NATO Capellen) and any other person may sign the petition between 10 April and 22 May, provided they are over 15 years old and registered in the Registre national des personnes physiques.
We would need to collect 4.500 signatures for the petition to be heard by the Commission on Petitions and the relevant Minister in Luxembourg – which may be a first step in abolishing price discrimination in health care.
May I kindly ask you to spread the news to as many colleagues and acquaintances as possible? PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION.
Best regards,
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