paramos Ukrainai akcija


šeštadienis, 2022, kovo 12 - nuo 14:00 iki 16:00

Ukrainiečių bendruomenės kvietimas į paramos akciją rytoj 14 val. Place Clairefontaaine ir padėka lietuvių bendruomenei - ateikit

Dear friends!

The Association of Ukrainians of Luxembourg LUkraine invites you to take part in our rally aimed at counteracting Russian military aggression. The rally will take place on Place Clairefontaine this Saturday at 14-00. We are grateful to you and your country for the support you provide to Ukraine in these difficult times. We will also be happy to give the floor to your representative.

Ukrainians in Luxembourg represented by LUkraine asbl appeal to a Luxembourgish and to an international community in Luxembourg for the following action plan:

·        Protect Ukrainian air space - request NATO allies to enforce a “no-fly” zone over Ukrainian territory;

·        Continue to transfer lethal and non-lethal defensive weapon and equipment to Ukraine;

·        Completely cut Russia off the SWIFT international banking system and block Visa/Mastercard payment systems;

·        Continue to apply additional financial sanctions against Russia, including closing Russian banks operating in EU;

·        Recognize Putin as a war criminals and fully isolate Russia’s leadership from the international community;

·        Support Ukraine’s EU membership.


Best regards and hope for further cooperation

Boarding member of the LUkraine asbl

Mariya Kolesnyk

Su kovo 11 visus - už mūsų ir Ukrainos laisvę



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