Lapkričio 17-28 dienomis Europos parlamento pastate (KAD) eksponuojama Latvijos fotomenininkės Guna Oškalna-Vējiņa darbų paroda pavadinimu "Latvijos nepriklausomybės paskelbimo 90-metis. Laisvės paminklas: kitas požiūris".
Apie autorę:
"Latvian, born in Riga, manager of the photo studio „VIDZE”
Since 1980 I walk my native streets of Riga with a camera, noticing, uncovering and recording the changes and growth of the city, as well its inhabitants.
During the last five years I have been observing and recording all events - be it festive or everyday - that are closely linked to the Monument of Freedom.
Major exhibitions:
1981 – First personal exhibition in the club TTP „I’m not a magician, I'm only learning”
1993 – Personal exhibition „100% NATURE”
1995 – Exhibition at the House of Blackheads „Belief, Hope, Love”
2005 and 2007 – participation at the Art days organized by the Latvian Americans
2006 – Travelling personal exhibition at the State Puppet Theatre „Just to it!” dedicated to the anniversary of the famous Latvian composer R.Pauls"
Latvijos asociacija Liuksemburge
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